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May 18, 2010
Will the World Health Organization (WHO) heed the call to mobilize its members to achieve the MDGs?The World Health Assembly, the annual meeting of WHO member countries, opened Monday, here in Geneva.  In addition to the nearly 200 countries that
May 14, 2010
Numbers.  Cold, desensitized, scientific.While they are critical for tracking disease and measuring impact in global health, what helps us remember each number represents a life? It's easy to spout statistics—harder to step back and remember the
May 06, 2010
This Mother's Day, my sons will be 15 and 12 years old.
May 03, 2010
It was just about a year ago that I traveled to Bangladesh for my first trip to “the field,”  journeying outside of a capital city and into the villages and neighborhoods to meet the families that our work can most directly impact. Overwhelming
Apr 21, 2010
Happy Earth Day! Happy Birthday, Mother Nature!Or perhaps, Happy Day of Our Precious, Pale Blue Dot. The blue that blankets our home is its defining feature from billions of miles away and, often, the defining feature of our daily lives -Earth Day
Apr 14, 2010
It's the morning of March 31, 2010.
Apr 06, 2010
Ever tried to talk about diarrhea at a cocktail party?
Mar 12, 2010
One woman’s stand against diarrheal disease