Showing 11 - 20 of 226
Nov 18, 2022
The impacts of a warming planet are projected to increase the burden of diarrheal disease, with an estimated 7% increase in diarrhea cases per every 1 degree Celsius of global warming. Check our our 'untapped' campaign to learn more about the
Nov 01, 2022
Meet the Poo Guru! She is flush with facts about toilets, sanitation, and their vital role in global health.  Hygiene and sanitation are public health building blocks. Before medicines and vaccines, clean water and sanitation were on the front
Nov 01, 2022
Meet the Poo Guru! She is flush with facts about toilets, sanitation, and their vital role in global health.  Climate impacts like flooding and water insecurity heighten the urgency for safe sanitation. As the world contends with climate change and
Sep 18, 2022
Meet the Poo Guru! She is flush with facts about toilets, sanitation, and their vital role in global health.  Sanitation protects girls’ health, safety, and psychological wellbeing. When girls can access sanitation, communities reduce social
Sep 18, 2022
Meet the Poo Guru! She is flush with facts about toilets, sanitation, and their vital role in global health.  Vaccines protect against waterborne diseases like typhoid and cholera, which can thrive when sanitation is lacking. Together, sanitation
Sep 01, 2022
Learn more about the link between diarrhea and climate change from our video series!
Nov 01, 2021
Droughts, floods, and famine are increasing due to the climate crisis. Among many impacts, these weather extremes are projected to increase the burden of water-linked diseases like diarrhea. This infographic explains the links between the climate
Nov 01, 2021
Poor sanitation exacerbates waterborne illness such as diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid. As climate extremes become more common due to climate change, they will put stress on the world’s water and sanitation systems – many of which are aging, poorly
Screenshot of article PDF
Oct 12, 2021
Diarrheal disease can be caused by many different pathogens - including rotavirus, adenovirus, Shigella, enterotoxigenic E. coli, Cryptosporidium, and others - and many models for estimating the burden of diarrheal diseases across populations rely
Published research
Sep 15, 2021
Clean water, sanitation, and hygiene—collectively known as WASH—are essential for child health. They are foundational solutions to fighting diarrheal disease.   WASH solutions should be sustainable, locally focused, and supported by policy and