A silhouette of a city skyline against a dark blue-gray background, with varied building heights and shapes, creating an urban landscape.



Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe childhood diarrhea. It disproportionately burdens impoverished communities of Africa and Southeast Asia. But nearly every child in the world is at risk. Rotavirus infections cannot be treated with antibiotics or other drugs, making vaccines a vital solution for preventing childhood illness and death. The World Health Organization recommends rotavirus vaccines for all countries.

For two decades, PATH has worked to ensure that all children have access to rotavirus vaccines. We work with manufacturers to develop low-cost vaccine products and sustain global supply. In partnership with country decision-makers, we help to assess, evaluate, prepare for, and optimize rotavirus vaccinein troduction.

Text on image: "600,000 lives & $900 million - that's what rotavirus vaccines can save in 73 Gavi countries between 2018 and 2027." Image shows a woman holding a baby wrapped in a white blanket. Logo: DefeatDD.
A smiling woman in professional attire stands with arms crossed on a light pink background. Beside her is a quote about local health needs and vaccine implementation by Esther Nasikye, Advocacy and Policy Manager, Uganda. Logos for IA2030 and PATH are visible.
A text graphic with a dark background states, "Rotavirus vaccines prevented around 140,000 child deaths in the period 2006-2019." The source is noted as the International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2023. The bottom right corner has the logo "DEFEATDD.
A nurse wearing a mask administers an oral vaccine to a baby held by a masked woman sitting on a chair. The setting appears to be a clinic, with medical supplies and posters in the background.
This pace of scientific advancement is exhilarating, at a scale unimagined even 20 years ago.
A joyful young boy in a blue shirt and navy shorts runs along a dirt path through a lush green field. The background is filled with misty trees and a hazy sky, creating a serene rural scene.


Rotavirus vaccines are saving lives in almost 100 countries. But less than half of infants born each year
still do not have access. We must do more to reach these children.