Nov 01, 2023
Can Vaccines Protect Children’s Growth?
PATH analyzed the potential impact of a Shigella vaccine that could combat growth faltering as a result of diarrhea infection.

Sep 20, 2023
Ten Years On: How Have Rotavirus Vaccines Impacted Diarrhea Cases?
Rotavirus vaccines are safe, effective, and reaching more children than ever before. But rotavirus still tops the list of pathogens responsible for deadly diarrhea in sub-Saharan Africa.

Aug 23, 2023
Estimating impact of a novel rotavirus vaccine delivered at birth
Rotavirus remains a common cause of severe diarrhea in young children in Indonesia. In a strong step forward for child health, the country introduced rotavirus vaccines nationwide, which will greatly reduce disease burden.

Jul 13, 2023
A community conquers climate impacts on safe water for home and health
Local clinics are the heart of rural community health. But where can a patient turn when health care facilities, or HCFs, are unable to provide one of the most basic elements of care: clean water? This harsh reality confronts 1.7 billion people world...

Feb 26, 2014
Finding families inside facts and figures
Studies on the cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccines might sound like pretty dry pursuits. Though I find science fascinating, nothing makes my eyes glaze faster than talk of monetization and math. But when I learned about the paths that invest...