Alfred Ochola

Jul 24, 2019
Photo: PATH/Tony Karumba.   As pediatricians, the currency of our trade is data, not miracles. But lifesaving oral rehydration solution (ORS) blurs these lines. Miraculous: there’s no other way to describe what it’s like to see a sunken-eyed
Jul 13, 2011
  How can we make an impact on child health in far-away countries for those of us who are working from our desks in the US?   We think this is an incredibly important question, and so do our Facebook friends. In fact, when we recently interviewed
Jun 22, 2011
Alfred Ochola points to the title of his panel at the Global Health Conference: "WaSHing (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) to Improve Health in Developing Countries: Opportunities and Obstacles." I was thrilled when I learned that Alfred, our